GSoC 2017 - Timeline Navigation - Weekly Report #2

Posted 7 years ago

Hey everyone!

This is my second weekly report for my GSoC project. This will include all the work from the past week. It includes my key accomplishments up to this point, the tasks that have given me trouble, and my plan for the next week.

Key accomplishments

-Resizing bug fixed

After removing a bunch of code, resizing the screen now does not mess up the scrollbar. Also, undocking and docking works well.

-Selection Box

There now exists a blue box around the measure boxes that are selected. There is a bug with selecting boxes in the timeline grid that they don't disappear, but I will have that sorted out the next time I push my code.

-Adjusting to changes in the score

Selecting measures in the score now updates the selection in the timeline.

-Multiple crashes fixed

After some testing, multiple crashes were found. These included: deleting whole measures, loading linked staves, and loading imported scores. These have been since fixed.

Key tasks that stalled

-Labels for the grid

So, I had most of the labeling working, but decided to change how it was displayed from just an addition to the timeline to a QSplitter so that the labels could be re-sizable. Currently, there is an issue that the splitter doesn't allow full functionality with resizing, forcing the minimum width to about 70 pixels.

-Tempo, time signature, and key signature rows

Due to the stalling on the labels, I have waited to implemented these.

Tasks in the upcoming week

-Finishing labels up

I will finish converting to QSplitter and making sure the user has the control to change the label sizes.

-Adding Tempo, time signature, and key signature rows

After the labels, I will add (and probably finish) these three rows.

-Continue finding critical bugs

As always, I will continue to try and find crashes in my code to create the most robust software I am capable of.

Here is a current view of the timeline:

Any comments about the current status is appreciated. Once I have moved on to the GUI part of this project, I will ask for more opinions.

Thanks for reading!
Joshua Bonn
(Current branch is )
IRC nick: JoshuaBonn1