GSoC 2017 - Timeline Navigation - Weekly Report #4

Posted 7 years ago

Hey everyone!

This is my fourth weekly report for my GSoC project. This will include all the work from the past week. It includes my key accomplishments up to this point, the tasks that have given me trouble, and my plan for the next week. I am writing this a day early because I am busy all day tomorrow.

Key accomplishments

-Static Meta Rows

The meta rows now stay at the top of the timeline view when scrolling up and down.

-Click+Drag and Click+Shift+Drag functionality

Clicking and dragging the timeline will move the timeline view around much like in the score.
Clicking with shift and dragging in the timeline will create a selection box (again much like the score) and will select all measures in the selection.

-Meta Value Selection

Clicking the meta values now selects the meta value and also selects the corresponding element in the timeline. There is currently an issue with this that can be found in the comments on my last commit.

Key tasks that stalled

No tasks stalled this week.

Tasks in the upcoming week

-Copying and pasting

Currently, copying and pasting do not work after selecting measures in the timeline. I will work on making these functions work.

-Show current measures in view

A feature my mentor and I talked about back in the first weeks was a distinction of which measures were visible in the scoreview by graying out the measures that are not visible. I will be adding that this next week.

-Some bug fixes and GUI updates

Some bugs still exist in my code and I am working on fixing them. Also, I will be making minor changes to the graphics of the timeline to make certain things more obvious.

Here is a current view of the timeline:

Any comments about the current status is appreciated. Once I have moved on to the GUI part of this project, I will ask for more opinions.

Thanks for reading!
Joshua Bonn
(Current branch is )
IRC nick: JoshuaBonn1