Peter Hieu Vu's blog

GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 3

5 years ago • 1 comment

This week was a bit of a long week, but it's finally over :)

So Far

Last week I was able to to clean up chord realization a bit. Previously, the algorithm just stacked thirds to create the notes. Now it's a bit better behaved and defined. There is a bass note (which may be the root if the chord is not a slash chord) placed in the octave below middle C and then the rest of the chord is

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 2

5 years ago • 2 comments

Made some good progress this week moving forward despite dead week work!

So Far

This week I have accomplished most (arguably all :)) of what I set out to do. I'm still in the progress of cleaning up the code into a more robust data structure to prepare for the next steps, but the data structure is integrated and running. I've also got a very simple system of realizing full chords and all of their notes. It's stacked triads over

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 1

5 years ago • 0 comments

The previous week was a good week of development. I'm still in the process of understanding everything and planning things out for the future so there's still a lot of progress that is still waiting to be exposed as actual features.

So Far

I have accomplished what I mentioned last week and have basic chord symbol realization of just the root notes. This is something you can see here:

[inline:Week 1 Root Notes.gif]

You'll also be able to see the

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 0

5 years ago • 0 comments


The community bonding period has now ended and we are entering the coding period. Over the last few weeks, I have been reading tons of code, experimenting with designs, and continuing to plan out the specifics of this project.

So Far

I have been focusing mainly on the extraction of data. The state of the includes an incomplete option in Tools/Realize Chord Symbols. This option will eventually be the one used to turn chord symbols into notes on the

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GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback

5 years ago • 1 comment


My name is Peter Hieu Vu. I am an undergraduate student at the University of Washington Seattle and have been selected to work with MuseScore for this year's Google Summer of Code.

As a pianist who loves playing and writing lead sheets, chord symbols are essential for my music. When I first started using MuseScore, I remember transcribing a piece of music and pressing play. I had written a little melody and some spicy chords to go along with

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