
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Playing XML file using Musescore sound library RBHawkins 6 3 months ago
Forum topic Musescore 4 not opening Sons2503 15 3 months ago
Forum topic Musescore 4 crashing - Implode jeffpitts 2 3 months ago
Forum topic tempo "hickups" (unwanted stops & starts" chaucerintherain 2 3 months ago
Forum topic Audio Playback Problems in Musescore 3 rjadamssnk 3 3 months ago
Forum topic my work isn't playing back properly moogooch 3 3 months ago
Forum topic Keyboard shortcut for Rewind button ischwartzinc 10 3 months ago
Forum topic Moving score around with mouse causes audio "hiccup" thepulsiphyer 6 3 months ago
Forum topic Strings playback roelwalstra96 3 3 months ago
Forum topic Chord Notes from the Chord Symbols jonel1947 32 3 months ago
Forum topic Musescore 4 BPM is more like B-P-30 seconds Warheadytjc1 4 3 months ago
Forum topic Violin notation question mike320 24 3 months ago
Forum topic i can only hear the one clef on piano songs?? alexstar 2 3 months ago
Forum topic Length change of voice-2 note/rest adds unnecessary rest to following measure Riley Sullivan 10 3 months ago
Forum topic Musescore 4 won't open 91joepark 92 3 months ago
Forum topic Can I delete measures from a part without affecting the score? rosindabow 7 3 months ago
Forum topic Piano Pedal Playback bluepen101 7 3 months ago
Forum topic Why are my scores deleted? niallstewart 1 3 months ago
Forum topic Total n00b. Really basic usage feels really hard. Is there an "easy mode"? mcmichaelps1 14 3 months ago
Forum topic Launching multiple instances? Andy Fielding 11 3 months ago
Forum topic Any ideas for the accompaniment? etsenberg 3 4 months ago
Forum topic How To: Duplicate A Part? Muiren 3 4 months ago
Forum topic Playback transposed Clarinet part with original piano part antonioblasi1 5 4 months ago
Forum topic Sorting Jacob Patrick Rourke 2 4 months ago
Forum topic delete a score shaimr2007 1 4 months ago