
Issue "add to measure number" is not linked between score and parts after reload
Issue Chords playback: Guitar "Solo" templates with default guitar sound
Issue Changing language settings changes to Basic workspace
Issue In triplet in last Half Note of 6/4, changing last Quarter Note in triplet to Eight causes corruption
Issue [MusicXML import] fix title frame position
Issue [MusicXML import] guess page one credit words type
Issue [MusicXML import] alignment and offset of texts in vertical frames not preserved
Issue [MusicXML import/export] support credit-type element
Issue [MusicXML import] incorrect font size in title frame when credit-words size unspecified
Issue Wrong curly bracket scaling when using MuseJazz
Issue Inserting a new measure within a melisma causes a crash
Issue [Musicxml Export] - Let Ring Not Exported
Issue [Musicxml Export] - Fermata at barline not exported
Issue Single Note Dynamics: Decrescendo doesn't work on tied notes in sub-banks.
Issue Tremolo customizations lost on second save/reload
Issue [Musicxml Export] - Triple and Quadruple Dots not exported correctly
Issue Tuplet number: size should be reduced proportionately when tuplets are set to "small"
Issue Staff/Part dialog changes not dirty when activated via double click
Issue Crash when changing voice of chord with tied grace note
Issue System crash when changing DPI for png files in Edit>Preferences>Export
Issue mtests for master branch fail
Issue MuseScore crashes during start-up while displaying "Start center"
Issue Crash when entering a newline before composer name
Issue Note names not translated in status bar and selection dialog box
Issue Windows: Can't export to WAP, OGG, FLAC files with the path name that contains non-ASCII characters
Issue Crashes after update due to qmlcache
Issue Settings field for multimeasure rests is too small
Issue File operations cause crash after changing translations in preferences
Issue Gonville's system bracket offset
Issue Accent playback inconsistent - too harsh for piano, too subtle for flute