
Issue "Save online" doesn't work on Mac with MuseScore 3.0.3
Issue Cannot open Brass Quartet and Brass Quintet templates
Issue Crash when removing a section break, or by various editing work before it, in a score with parts and MM rests
Issue Copying measure repeats doesn't work
Issue Join measures: crash
Issue Timeline widget is updated even when not visible
Issue Timeline widget is updated even when not visible
Issue content of status bar doesn't get deleted if last score gets closed
Issue Alignment of hairpin lines off compared to dynamics
Issue Too much space allocated around tab staff with"beamed" notes
Issue Staccato overlaps highly slanted beam on upper voice
Issue Appended frame inactivates Page Up/Down and End keys in continuous view
Issue Footer Text Position is Not Effected by Changes in Offset or Alignment Settings
Issue "Display in concert pitch" function in Style menu doesn't change key signatures
Issue Footer Text Position is Not Effected by Changes in Offset or Alignment Settings
Issue "Display in concert pitch" function in Style menu doesn't change key signatures
Issue No relayout after deleting system break
Issue Appended frame inactivates Page Up/Down and End keys in continuous view
Issue Alignment of hairpin lines off compared to dynamics
Issue Too much space allocated around tab staff with"beamed" notes
Issue Staccato overlaps highly slanted beam on upper voice
Issue Position adjustments on text with Up/Down key is lost on save
Issue Articulations not appearing on grace notes
Issue Selecting dynamic change a pressing x does not move item
Issue Offset limited to 99.99sp in Inspector, prevents precisely moving elements in frames from left to right
Issue Invisible lyrics hyphens and melisma lines remain when disabling Show invisible or when printing/exporting
Issue Lyrics on rests displayed a line too low
Issue Lyrics: select all and "X" causes program to freeze
Issue Changing text element color (via Inspector, not style) is not saved
Issue [Feedback Form] Collisions between systems possible if bottom staff of upper systems is invisible