chen lung

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue DS al Fine possumcuber_ 4 12 years ago
Forum topic Metronome on the toolbar chen lung 1 12 years ago
Forum topic Wallpaper Address chen lung 2 12 years ago
Forum topic adding note to bassclef crashes larryz 1 12 years ago
Issue Change Layer to Layers chen lung 4 12 years ago
Issue Change midi sound for part to MIDI Sound when hovering over the latter in Mixer chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue Flipping stem direction of multi-voice interval note upstem flips to the wrong side chen lung 6 12 years ago
Issue Clicking lyric with shift and command held causes crash chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Undo after Delete Selected Measures doesn't reinstate them until page is reset chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Not enough space for accidentals of grace notes chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Delete selected measures in first bar and undo introduces courtesy clef(s) chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Broken font in score if 1.0 already has one open chen lung 3 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Removing treble stave produces treble clef on remaining bass stave chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Re-opening score with 'Documents Stacked/Side-by-Side' previously enabled and playing causes crash chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Bar featuring multi-voice that expands/contracts after moving note in chord causes the final note(s) to appear defective chen lung 3 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Transpose produces a mess of the score chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Added staff during score creation doesn't feature bar lines chen lung 5 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] 'Add Linked Staff' to single-staff instrument after score creation produces another tempo text chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] 'Add Linked Staff' to existing single-staff instrument and undo causes crash chen lung 3 12 years ago
Issue Lack of space in Synthesiser window chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue Rename 'Special Text Symbols' to 'Special Characters and Text Symbols' chen lung 4 12 years ago
Issue Rename Mixer window name chen lung 8 12 years ago
Issue Separate Insert and Append in Measures chen lung 2 12 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Creating rest via shortcut and undo causes crash chen lung 4 12 years ago
Issue Remove score title from Synthesiser window chen lung 2 12 years ago