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Sat, 18 February 2023
 (diff) (hist) 11:30 Handbook 4 Measure propertiesmoved Jojo-Schmitz
Copy of the revision from February 12, 2023 - 11:18am.
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 (diff) (hist) 11:29 Handbook 4 Measure propertiesrevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 11:11 Handbook 4 Pickup and non-metered measuresrevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 11:10 Handbook 4 Alternative note input methodsrevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 10:02 Handbook 4 Measure numberingrevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 06:13 Page Supportrevised Henk De Groot
handbook 4 ref update
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 (diff) (hist) 00:01 Book Google Summer of Code 2023revised shoogle
Add project idea: Keyboard Navigation
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Fri, 17 February 2023
 (diff) (hist) 17:30 Handbook 4 Regroup rhythmsrevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 15:06 Book Developers' handbookrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 15:05 Book Developers' handbookrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 14:59 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.3 (June 29, 2018)moved Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 14:59 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.3.1 (July 6, 2018)moved Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 14:58 Book Developers' handbookrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 14:56 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.3.2 (July 31, 2018)moved Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 14:55 Book Release notes for MuseScore 2.3.2 (July 31, 2018)moved Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 14:45 Book Barlinenew msfp
 (diff) (hist) 09:39 Book Plugins for 4.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 09:38 Book Plugins for 4.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 09:37 Book Plugins for 4.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 09:36 Book Plugins for 4.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 09:32 Book Plugins for 4.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 09:30 Book Plugins for 4.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 09:30 Book Plugins for 4.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 09:27 Book Plugins for 4.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 09:27 Book Plugins for 4.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 00:44 Book Plugins for 3.xrevised msfp
 (diff) (hist) 00:32 Book Plugins for 3.xrevised msfp
 (diff) (hist) 00:28 Book Plugins for 3.xrevised msfp
Thu, 16 February 2023
 (diff) (hist) 06:55 Handbook 4 Time signaturesrevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 03:37 Landings page MuseScore for Pianorevised congkhanhorg9
 (diff) (hist) 01:07 Book Plugins for 3.xrevised msfp
 (diff) (hist) 01:06 Book Plugins for 3.xrevised msfp
 (diff) (hist) 00:56 Handbook 3 Barlinesrevised msfp
Add see also links
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 (diff) (hist) 00:55 Handbook 3 Measure operationsrevised msfp
Add see also links
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 (diff) (hist) 00:54 Handbook 3 Measure and horizontal spacingmoved msfp
Add see also links
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Wed, 15 February 2023
 (diff) (hist) 21:33 Handbook 4 Barlinesrevised Henk De Groot
Update to auto play gif image
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 (diff) (hist) 19:54 Handbook 4 Staff/Part propertiesrevised Henk De Groot
Correction to part section for names. Part name no longer available in this dialog. Direct edit not possible using double click.
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 (diff) (hist) 17:14 Handbook 4 Slash notationrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 17:13 Handbook 4 Slash notationrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 17:10 Handbook 4 Slash notationrevised geetar
Completed down to "Accompaniment rhythms on the staff".
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 (diff) (hist) 16:14 Handbook 4 Implode and exploderevised geetar
Minor correction.
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 (diff) (hist) 12:12 Handbook 4 Staff type changerevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 12:11 Handbook 4 Staff type changerevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 11:51 Handbook 4 Upgrade from MuseScore 3.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 11:50 Handbook 4 Staff type changerevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 11:50 Handbook 4 Upgrade from MuseScore 3.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 11:49 Handbook 4 Upgrade from MuseScore 3.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 11:48 Handbook 4 Partsrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 11:47 Handbook 4 Upgrade from MuseScore 3.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 11:46 Handbook 4 Upgrade from MuseScore 3.xrevised Jojo-Schmitz