Translation request for the 1.3 announcement in Spanish

• Mar 4, 2013 - 10:02

Last week MuseScore 1.3 was released. We would very much like to communicate this news to our Spanish users. To make this happen, we would need help from someone to translate the 1.3 announcement in Spanish:

Translating this pages takes around 10 minutes of your time. Please leave a comment if you like to contribute. Then we can grant you translation permissions. Thanks!


In reply to by nicoguaro

Hey Nicolás,

Thanks for stepping up so quickly. I have just granted you translation permissions.

In order to start:
* go to
* click on the translate tab at the top
* choose to add a new translation for Spanish
* replace all the English text by the Spanish translation
* If you see special markup (html), leave that in

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