Instant crash when I open this file

• Set. 27, 2019 - 08:29

Hello everyone,
I'm in big trouble with this file, it crash when I try to open it, and also the last backup.
What can I do?

P. S: There is an user who can confirm that it crashes also in Linux os?

Allegato Dimensione
String Quartet A3.mscz @dimensione KB


I can confirm the crash (Windows 10, MuseScore 3.2.3)

The score though was written, or at least last saved with, 3.0.5. You should really update, even if it doesn't help in this case.

BTW: the composer's name in "Georg Friederich Haas" not "Georg Friderich Haas"

It crashes in lates development build too, stack trace:
1 std::vector::end stl_vector.h 591 0xf7cbe0
2 Ms::System::firstMeasure system.cpp 1002 0x9eb370
3 Ms::Glissando::layout glissando.cpp 277 0x8d5545
4 Ms::LayoutContext::collectPage layout.cpp 4303 0x9175da
5 Ms::LayoutContext::layout layout.cpp 4498 0x918750
6 Ms::Score::doLayoutRange layout.cpp 4483 0x91863c
7 Ms::Score::update cmd.cpp 221 0xa38654
8 Ms::readScore file.cpp 2356 0x65776a
9 Ms::MuseScore::readScore file.cpp 349 0x644c44
10 Ms::MuseScore::openScore file.cpp 327 0x644b04
11 Ms::MuseScore::loadFiles file.cpp 304 0x644739
12 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 6105 0x4ec906
13 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 5913 0x4eb915
14 Ms::MuseScore::qt_static_metacall moc_musescore.cpp 861 0x7bc492
15 QMetaObject::activate(QObject *, int, int, void * *) 0x68a940ea
16 QActionGroup::hovered(QAction *) 0x2aaf4db2
17 QActionGroup::qt_static_metacall(QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void * *) 0x2aaf573c
18 QMetaObject::activate(QObject *, int, int, void * *) 0x68a940ea
19 QAction::activate(QAction::ActionEvent) 0x2aaf3e0e
20 QAbstractButton::setIconSize(QSize const&) 0x2abcf66d

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