Full app port over on iPadOS

• Lug. 13, 2020 - 21:15

Hi everybody, my name’s Diego, and I was wondering, after the WWDC announcement that the new Macs are going to be powered by ARM chipsets starting from this fall and that, consequentially, the new MacOS 11 and its apps will need to be ported in order to be compatible with the new chip architecture, if there was any hope that, since the notation Mac app has to be translated anyways in order to be supported on the next Macs, it could maybe run on iPadOS too, now that it has a more comprehensive keyboard and mouse support.

This would be outstanding for lots of reasons, only the first being that I can finally get rid of my Mac and that I would be able to write my own music on the fly with a full-fledged app that I already know how to use.

Does anyone know if this kind of development has already started/been planned? Any kind of answer will be certainly useful, thanks in advance!

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