Selection of measure.

• Mar. 22, 2021 - 17:36

I have difficulty selecting measures. I have reinstalled Musescore several times, choosing th Repair feature, but there is nothing to do. When I click on an empty space, nothing happens. Every now and then it works, but I am wasting hours and hours trying to select a measure


Attach here a *.mscz file that you have problems with.
(p.s.:you are on the Italian forum)
Hold down CTRL and use the mouse wheel to zoom in (or use the Zoom box in the toolbar).

In risposta a by Shoichi

This is the file I was trying to work with. I am able to select the lower staff, but not the upper one. At times it works once just when I open the file. Then nothing happens. I also have diffiulty establishing if I am or are not in note input note. In the tutorial the note length .. icons fllash up when they are selected. On my screen they darken instead. I really don't know what to do
Thanks fior any suggestions You can give me.

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H. MANCINI - MOON RIVER - Musescore.mscz @dimensione KB

In risposta a by rigisarig

In note input mode the icon turns blue


in this mode you cannot select the measure but only add notes. Try pressing Esc and the icon will return to black, you can click on the measure to select it.
Edit/Preferences/General switch to the dark version if you view it better


In risposta a by Shoichi

Thanks for your help, but the system just does not work. I press escape but nothing happens. I have ttried to replace the keybord and the mouse, but to no avail. It just does not work. I can only select the lower stave. Thank you for the tip nto make the icons flash up in blue. In all probability there is a problem with my computer, I could think of nothing else.

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