MacBook Air con M1: Musescore non parte - MacBook Air with M1: Musescore does not start

• Mag. 20, 2021 - 12:38

Sul MacBook Air M1 di un mio allievo. Dopo l'installazione Musescore continua a rimbalzare nel dock, infine si blocca e ne va forzata la chiusura. Altri hanno avuto problemi con il nuovo processore Apple?

MacBook Air with M1: Musescore does not start on the MacBook Air M1 of one of my students
After the installation, Musescore continues to bounce in the dock, finally it freezes and must be forced to close. Have others had problems with the new Apple processor?


As far as I heard yes, but with restrictions: No Web part in the start center and no Save online.
And that is for the upcoming 3.6
Earlier version may work (and with the same restrictions) if you add export QML_DISABLE_DISK_CACHE=true to your environment.
L'ultima versione, 3.6.2?

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