[node,title,fragment] bookmarklet
Online doc reccomends Link to the page's node number, not the page's URL which requires clicking 'Edit' and brews typo error. This bookmarklet (wikipedia) provides a way to get the required syntax in one click:
javascript:void function(){prompt("",`[node:${drupalSettings.path.currentPath.replace("node/","")}${document.querySelector("meta[property=\"og:title\"]").content?`,title="${document.querySelector("meta[property=\"og:title\"]").content}"`:""}${window.location.hash?`,fragment="${decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash).replace("#","")}"`:""}]`)}();
(highlight and drag to bookmark toolbar)
Happy holidays
Woah, mind blown! Thanks for posting :-)
How to do that? In Edge?
Edit: I withdraw the question, works in Chrome and in Edge ;-)
Edit 2: I added that to Editing the Handbook