Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
Allow for 'noninteractive' reading of scores active 0 9 jaren
Layout/Page settings Window active 9 9 jaren
Ability to create guide/lead parts (or mixing parts) active 0 9 jaren
MuseJazz - adjactent note & dot symbols render as squares active 5 9 jaren
Sandbox MuseScore on Mac OSX active 0 9 jaren
Pedal not working over repeats active 8 9 jaren
Function to creat auto generated ChordSymbols... active 0 9 jaren
Indicate number of bars/system when creating a score. active 2 9 jaren
Lyric margins and spacing not well-preseved importing 1.3 score active 5 9 jaren
Inconsistent spacing of articulations active 5 9 jaren
convert sequence of eighth notes into triplet active 0 9 jaren
Pedal line error: 1.cannot cross tuplets; 2.pedal activated without the pedal line active 1 9 jaren
Selection rectangle encompasses full measure if voice 1 is empty and other voice only partially selected active 10 9 jaren
Changing style>text properties not reflected on page needs info 10 9 jaren
Software doesn't open when clicked. active 4 9 jaren
Metronome defauld value not stored active 1 9 jaren
When silently changing the key to enharmonic equivalent during transposition, change notes too active 9 9 jaren
MusicXML import and export of non-standard key signatures: support accidental value mapping active 1 9 jaren
Numbers not all aligned when word of stanza doesn't start on first note active 6 9 jaren
Wrong rest placement in double-stemmed writing active 7 9 jaren
Chords did not change down and up all strings in tabulatur active 3 9 jaren
MuseScore doesn't ask to save MuseScore 1.3 Files in the directory they were opened from active 15 9 jaren
MuseScore icon in mixer (system sounds, Windows) too large active 4 9 jaren
Element (dynamics hairpin) misplaced in piano part extraction active 3 9 jaren
Wrong brace behaviour when adding only one stave of piano active 0 9 jaren