Dấu biến cường

Updated 1 year ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Dấu biến cường.

    Hairpins are line objects. To create a hairpin, select a note to mark the start point.

    • <: Creates a crescendo hairpin
    • >: Creates a diminuendo hairpin (decrescendo)

    You can also create hairpins by dragging a hairpin symbol from the line palette to a note head.

    1. < creates a crescendo hairpin:

      One-measure crescendo

    2. Double click switches to edit mode.
      Then select (click on) the end point to move:

      Crescendo shows handles and anchors in edit mode

    3. Shift+ moves the anchor of the selected end point:

      Crescendo anchor extends to the next note

    4. and Ctrl move the selected end point:

      Crescendo visually extends beyond anchor point

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