Bug reports and Feature requests

Updated 1 jaar ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Bug reports and Feature requests.

The musescore.org issue tracker has been retired on March 2023, please report bugs on GitHub instead:

Forum, musescore.org issue tracker and github.com issue tracker

Before filing bug reports or feature requests in the Issue Tracker, it is recommended first to search for similar ones, post in the relevant Forum if none is found, so others may help establish a bug as genuine, provide ideas and second opinions for new features, and gather concensus.
Include a link to such discussion when creating the Issue in Issue Tracker.
The role of Issue Tracker on musescore.org is to triage before opening an issue on github. The expectancy is that the .org tracker will at some point undergo some changes to facilitate it linking to github issues, source.
Once the issue is referred/reposted to github, the one on musescore.org will be marked Duplicate to unclutter the triage system.

Bug reports

  • Try to reproduce the issue with the latest nightly. You may also view the version history to check whether it has been fixed/implemented already.
  • Please include as much of the following information as you know and limit each issue to one report:

    • Version/revision of MuseScore you are using (e.g. version 3.0, revision 871c8ce). Check HelpAbout... (Mac: MuseScoreAbout MuseScore...).
    • Operating system being used (e.g. Windows 10, macOS 10.15 or Ubuntu 20.04)
    • Describe the precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.).
      If you are not able to reproduce the problem with the steps, it is probably not worth reporting it as the developers will not be able to reproduce (and solve) it either. Remember that the goal of a bug report is not only to show the problem, but to allow others to reproduce it easily.
  • Attach the score that shows the problem, at least a minimal example —use the "File attachments" option at the bottom of the page, just above the Save and Preview buttons when you're typing your post.

  • Fill in the correct issue detail field, eg If you did not gather any shared experience in forum, use Frequency: Once. Once the issue is referred/reposted to github, the one on musescore.org will be marked Duplicate to unclutter the triage system, jump to triage above.

Feature requests

  • Be brief, but describe the goal as precisely as you can
  • Describe the context in which the new feature is intended to work
  • Suggest a specific workflow, if you can

Cross linking issues

When you write a comment in a forum topic, you can refer to an issue in the issue tracker using the following notation: ´[#number]´
That way the link in the comment will include the issue title and reflect the current status of the issue. Furthermore, it'll lead to the forum topic being listed in the issue itself.
Type [#153286] get #153286: Change instrument causes a crash

Do you still have an unanswered question? Teken asb. eers in om jou vraag te plaas.