Why Persian translation is too slow ?

• Jul 6, 2014 - 06:55

I reall like your software but my language on this software is not complete . How CAN I HELP YOUR PERSIAN TRANSLATION TEAM ?



Hey Masoud, thank you for stepping up regarding the Persian translation. All translation efforts are now focused on the next MuseScore release, i.e. version 2.0, which will come out later this year.

To learn how the translation system works, please read http://musescore.org/node/22982

To get started, first download and install the MuseScore nightly build: http://musescore.org/en/download#Nightly-versions This nightly build is what will become eventually MuseScore 2.0. You can run the nightly build without any problems next to your current MuseScore 1.3.

To translate the MuseScore software, head over to Transifex via http://translate.musescore.org You will have to make an account there in order to start translating.

Your account on musescore.org has now translation rights for Persian. This means you can translate the content on musescore.org such as the menu and the handbook pages.

Keep me posted if anything is not clear.

In reply to by Shoichi

Thank U Shoichi ..
I prefer to translate online with translate.musescore.org is this ok ?
I dont know anything about Nightly
is it a problem or that works too ?

sorry I'm just a little Suspicious to this kind of translating

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