[Transifex] What if not to translate is the best way to localize?

• Aug 30, 2014 - 11:51

I thought it might be a duplicated question, but as I could not find relative questions I'll post it.

I'm working for translation to Japanese.
Sometimes it's better leave a string in English and do not translate it (ex. abbreviations like Picc.).

Is there a "Leave it in English" button in Transifex?
Or, should we copy & paste for hundreds of strings?

Thank you in advance:)


You could either leave it untranslated, in which case the original string is taken (so your "Leave in English" is the Default), or use the copy icon in Transifex.

On strings that you deliberatly want untranslated I'd prefer to copy them, as that makes maintainance easier: new or changed strings are then the only ones showing up as untranslated, very easy to filter on in Transifex.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ah, didn't notice the copy button.

>>On strings that you deliberatly want untranslated I'd prefer to copy them, as that makes maintainance easier:

I agree with you.

I was wondering that just leaving it blank was ambiguous.

Thank you for your help.
I'll continue working on transalation.

In reply to by david.jinnai

The only translation where I wouldn't want this copying is en_US, there we only translate the very few things that can't get fixed in the source (mainly for b->♭ and #->♯, which we can't use in C++ files to keep compatibility with compilers that don't support Unicode) and possibly the odd mistake that needs fixing between releases. Here it is then much easier to see what has really changed

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