Using quarter-sharp and quarter-flat for microtonal key signature doesn't work

• Apr 25, 2010 - 18:16

I'm using MuseScore: Music Score Editor Unstable Prerelease for Version 0.9.6; Build 2613 on kubuntu 10.04 RC, and I can't succeed in applying microtonal key signature. I've done :

1- create a staff, entering note without key signature.
2- I then go to the menu Create > key signatures...
3- The key signatures tool open a new window
4- I edit the treble staff representation, adding semi-sharp on a F and on a C
5- I click on add
6- It add an empty key signature in the left panel (that contains other chromatic key signatures)
7- I've think it could just be a representation bug, so I close the signtaure key window
8- I try to apply from the panel (F9) but my custom signature key doesn't appear in the panel.

Any solution or workaround ?

thanks in advance,


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