musescore doesn't work since fresh install to lucid

• Jun 13, 2010 - 09:43

ever since doing a fresh install and upgrading to lucid and mscore 0.9.7
musescore has not worked.
i followed the instructions and have been using it since i believe dapper.
always worked on other distros [ with work ]
have spent about 33 hours so far.
started by following sound
tried revert to factory sound
tried complete removals and reinstalling sound
tried running as sound.
currently mscore is making jack crash too.
every other program works fine except musescore.
about to switch back to that other main OS as i kept the disc with all my programs.
am a musician and need scoring program for my own song learning and compositional uses.
what a shame because it has always worked on every other distro.
not a linux newbie, but more of an arts based user not a techie.
if in my attempts to try to get it to work i change something in the preferences I/O it just freezes and i have to 'force quit'
on the odd occasion it doesn't freeze it makes jack go blank and stop working and then i have to xkill jack in order to try again as it becomes unresponsive.
have a dual amd processor with plenty of ram all other sounds on all other programs work.
either the program is broken or the manual is incorrect.
after removing and installing and following directions several times. something is not wuite right with musescore...i am not new to it and this version will not play on this distro.


thank you lasconic tried change. except now i can at least see the notes move, still no sound, but sound on every other program
if i try changing anything in the preferences I/O it still freezes so i cannot try anything else to make it happen.
when i tried mscore -F in terminal it of course crashes as it cannot find the file as the folder /usr/share/m-score-0.9//sound/GMTim6mb.sf2
so i created that folder and put a copy of a known working GM.sf2 file in but renamed as TimGM6mb.sf2

i think it has to be a bug if one cannot change the preferences without the program freezing.
would like to go to 0.95 now. how do i find that ? shouldn't have started a fresh install as i had everything running perfectly before.
and currently everything else is running perfectly too, except musescore,which happens to be one of the programs i use quite often, so i have already spent more time on this than the whole rest of my system by about 2 to 1.
tried shaking off the corporate OS but may be forced back on, maybe someone can advise me when musescore works correctly with lucid.
it can't be jack as every other program that uses jack works fine.
possibly when i have done complete removal of musescore in order to start fresh a corrupt file remains. i have removed and reinstalled about 6 times now. have tried revert to factory even tried adjusting jack even though it works fine with everything else. unfortunately trying to cha nge preference settings causes the program to freeze then i have to force quit not saving any of the changes so i cannot try and find a correct setting by trial and error.

after hours of trying i did end up trying deleting the musescore.ini file too.
find this issue very puzzling as i have tried everything i can think of.

on one of the re-installs before reinstalling even tried finding hidden musescore files and deleting as well.

don't want to have to regress to the other dreaded OS
other option is returning to jaunty which worked flawlessly.
maybe it is a lucid problem ?
wondering why musescore freezes when i try and change settings in preferences I/O. it has to be a does it regardless of what i select. and on both 0.9.6 and 0.9.7
re-installation doesn't change it, neither does synaptic 'complete removal' and new installation. got desperate at one point and tried changing settings in the .ini file after trying everything else.

i usually comb all the forums and search the net for any problem solving, but this one just seems to be broken. next thing i will attempt is to repartition a drive and install jaunty from disc on that and see. i hate to mess with re-partitioning when everything else is working so well. and after finally getting everything done that i need done and all working [ except musescore ] i am not about to do a fresh install of ubuntu.
probably migrated too fast. was adventurous as everything has been solvable until this point [ at least since dapper and learning how to search forums etc. ] so didn't realize it would be such a nightmare.

In reply to by junglemilk

If a program freezes then obviously there is a bug somewhere. However before it can be added to the issue tracker we need steps to reproduce the problem.

MuseScore 0.9.6 works for me on Lucid without any problems.

Now that you have deleted the musescore.ini file could you explain the part that you are having problems with? Musescore opens and works correctly except you don't have sound? Is that correct? Could you take a screenshot of Edit > Preferences > I/O and attach it to a comment below?

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