Define "sections" and repeat them independently

• Dec 19, 2014 - 15:20


Sorry if this is a newbie question, but how can we define "sections" in MuseScore to repeat them individually?

Say, "intro", "bridge", "chorus", "solo", "ending" or something like that - each having multiple bars -.
Therefore the score would look like:
Intro = [couple of bars]
... (same for other sections)
Intro | Bridge | Chorus | Bridge | Chorus | Bridge | Solo | Ending

I've come across "parts", but apparently each part has its own file whereas I'd like everything in a page or two.

Thank you in advance,

P.S: Still struggling with voices (bass notes won't let me put them on the first quaver for some reason), but I think it's more because I'm new to scores so I can say well done on the software, it's great!


The thing to leep in mind is, MuseScore is all about creating *notation*, with playback more a side effect. So the first thing you need to ask yourself is, how would you *notate* the particular repeat scheme you have in ind using the standard tools of notation - repeat bars, voltas, segnos, codas, etc. Once you figure out how it should be notated, you enter that, and assuing what you are doing is sufficiently clear and unambiguous, the computer playback should eb able to follow it about as well as a human would. if the directions would be confusing to a human, they will eb confusing to MuseScore as well.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your answers. You're right, I do apologise for asking a question which is more related to general notation than to the actual software. There are certainly more appropriate forums out there, I figured that because everyone here was a musician it was the same as asking on such forums.

It seems I'm looking for "tags" but I don't really know how to use them. I'll try to dig out more on that. If you're feeling generous, I'm all ears :)

In reply to by skyward_mind

I'm not 100% sure what you mean by 'tags', but if you mean 'tagging' the various sections of a score - such as verse, chorus, solo, bridge, etc. - you can use what are called 'rehearsal marks'.

If you go to menu item: Create / Text, you will find 'Rehearsal Mark'. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+M, so all you do is click on a note (e.g. at the beginning of the chorus) to highlight it, press Ctrl+M, then enter a letter/number in the box that appears.

Regards, and welcome aboard.

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