Spoken (shouted) words for vocalists

• Jan 7, 2015 - 11:16

It's easy enough to show spoken words using an X notehead. But on occasion I want to show a glissando in both pitch and dynamic (in rock music, for example) "Yeah.....!" which has no pitch and fades out. I can't see how to do this except joining two notionally pitched notes with a gliss, and a dim ... clumsy.


I guess your question is more about how it should look - a general notation question - than about how to create some specific notation you already have in mind? The usual notation for a single note that falls in pitch is a line - usually curved, sometimes straight, occasionally wazy - starting at the notehead and going down and to the right from there. In 1.3, you could add a generic line from the Lines palette and then size/position it manually. In 2.0 beta/nightly builds, there are lines specifically for this purpose that position themselves automatically. They are found at the end of the Arepggios & Glissandi palette.

The fade in pitch would usually just be implied - falls virtually always drop in volume, but no one normally notate this explicitly. If for some reaosn you wanted to do so anyhow, you can do it the same way you'd notate a diminuendo anywhere else - with that text, or with the appropriate hairpin symbol from the Lines palette.

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