Hide staves/Focus on staves

• Oct 20, 2010 - 09:09

I might have missed something here. My apologies if I have.

Sibelius has a very useful 'Focus on staves' feature. This allows you to hide staves you are not interested in, although they still play. I use this often to reduce songs to just the vocal staff, for example, which means the songs is often brought down to one or two pages for the singer.

As there is a 'Hide empty staves' feature in MS, there is clearly a flag that could be used to hide staves (unless it is a global). I see there is an 'Invisible' flag in the staff properties, but that has a strange effect and the staff doesn't hide.

I've looked around the plug-in development pages to see if there is a way that 'Focus on staves' could be easily implemented. So far I have not found what I would need.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


It's not available yet.
In current trunk and in nightlies you can experiment with the linked parts feature. When you create a part, the instrument has a dedicated tab and you can focus on editing it. The edition you do are synchronized in the full score. It's far from ready and needs testing.

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It is always interesting to see a different solution.

I hadn't seen the 'Visible' flag in the instruments dialogue. That will do the trick for me, although I can imagine that people using a lot of staves who just want to show one or two might find it tedious to make everything else invisible.

Before I found this flag, I noticed a menu item Display->Show Invisible. I don't know why I hadn't thought to look for this when I made a staff invisible and it didn't disappear. However when I unchecked it and made the staff invisible in the staff properties, the staff disappeared but all of the notes and rests on the staff remained visible. Shouldn't they have inherited the (in)visibility from the staff?

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