Question, possible typo

• Mar 14, 2015 - 21:17

1590: W&orkspaces
1593: Add N&ote

Shouldn't it be &Workspaces and &Note?
Or the coders want to emphasize the words W and N? (which would cause some problem in translating for we have to use different letters)


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TypoMaybe.png 12.69 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

The ampersand character is not for emphasizing the next character, instead it's for the menu shortcut. From the Qt docs:

fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
The ampersand in the menu item's text sets Alt+F as a shortcut for this menu.

So when you translate, you can obviously place the ampersand (&) anywhere as the words will be different.

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