Problems with Playback

• Jun 12, 2015 - 01:07

I am working on the following multi-movement work in MuseScore 2.0.1 on Windows 8.1. For some reason, when I attempt to use the playback on the third movement (the one in 12/8 time), the program won't playback. It's not an issue with soundfonts as every other piece I have works at the start of any movement, but for some reason this one won't. I have tried removing the section break, replacing it with other breaks, making no break at all, and no matter what I do it.
I believe the problem is the "Da Capo al Fine" in the previous movement, as this has happened before with other pieces. I have tried replacing the Da Capo with a "ds al fine," but it still doesn't work. But it works when I take it out.

So I have two questions:
(1) Is this a bug that needs to get worked out or just a problem MuseScore 2.0.1 has with multi-movement pieces?
(2) If the problem is on my end, does anyone have a fix?


Attachment Size
Op. 10 Cello Sonata No 1.mscz 36.7 KB


The "Da Capo al Fine" does seem to be the problem indeed. More specifically, the Fine. MuseScore is taking you too literally, I think. Fine means that's the end, and nothing else plays back. As far as MuseScore is concered, there is nothing else to play. Probably there should be a way for it to understand the next movement - anything after a section break - really comes next.

You could use a D.C. al Coda, modify the jump target of "code" to "fine" and place a Coda at the 1st measure of the next section (and make it invisible)
Or just modify the empty jump target of the D.C. al Fine to "codab" and add that Coda?

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