Ой, цветёт калина (well-known russian song)

• Mar 6, 2011 - 15:51

How to put the song text under the notes? I tried to do that, but couldn't (((
The song is about girl's love to a young man, who doesn't know about her feelings. The girl hopes he will guess without words that she loves him. :-)


Select note > <ctrl><L> puts you into Lyrics etntry mode. <-> or <space> gets you to the next note (<ctrl><-> or <ctr><space> if you need that inside a sylable)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry, I didn't understand your explanation... :-(
I would like to put the all text under all the notes, in the end. Not along the rows. And ctrl+L doesn't work... (((
I tried to make this also with ctrl+T or ctrl+shift+T, and I attach what I have got. There is no all needed text, it is in the one row and is strange... The first page is ending, but there is no the second one for the text.. :-((

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Untitled.jpg 53.52 KB

In reply to by DiAnna_

sure, just append another vertical frame. If that doesn't go to a 2nd page, just increase its size until it does, of set a page break at the first frame
Or just increase the 1st frame or place a page brake in the last bar so the entire text goes to the next page
Or use lyricist and composer, i.e. some stanzas left and some right, so you can stay on the 1st page

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