Tremolo issue

• Jul 24, 2015 - 20:59

I have followed the directions for creating a stemless tremolo for a drum
roll but the application does not cooperate. I can put tremolos on stems,
but not stemless notes. Please advise.


The trick is to either drag the the tremolo directly onto the note head (not to where you expect the tremolo to appear), or to add it the other way—click on the note, and then double-click on the symbol in the palette.

In reply to by genieburkett@y…

Please post the specific score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem, and then maybe we can see where things are going wrong for you. Selecting the note then double clicking the symbol should work in any score and does for me, but maybe something else is going on here that we don't know because we aren't seeing what you are seeing.

Hmm, a thought - maybe you are using the wrong tremolo sign? You need to the use one of the signs with the stem through it, even if the note has no stem (the right thing will happen, don't worry). The tremolo signs with no stems are for a toally different purpose - treomolo *between* two notes, as shown in the Handbook under Tremolo.

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