piano sheet

• Sep 11, 2015 - 15:57

I have a question. Is there any way to make one line smaller then others? Like in sheets for violin and piano ( https://d29ci68ykuu27r.cloudfront.net/product/Look-Inside/large/3167815… )?
Thank you =)


It can be really easy done: Right click on the lines you want to shrink. "line properties"
and in this menue you can change whatever you like. I tried "scale". Default is 100%. Scale it down and you´ll get the wanted result.

In reply to by Troubadix

Actually, Troubadix, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. What kind of line are you talking about? Where do you find a "Scale" option? Can you post a few screenshots showing what you're talking about?

The answer to Martha Jones's question is to right-click an empty spot on the staff, choose "Staff Properties…", and then check the "Small staff" checkbox in the dialog that opens up.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

It´s hard to translate program / menue expressions into a different language.

In the same menue "staff properties" the fourth entry beneath "number of lines" , "space between the lines" and "extra space above the upper line", is "scale ( of staff ) in %"

There she´could have also adjusted the size of staff.

( blue outlined in the picture )

Attachment Size
scale.jpg 216.66 KB

In reply to by Troubadix

For the record, while both the "Small" and the "Scale" settings work, the "Small" setting is really the way to go for things like this (and you can set the actual size in Style / General / Sizes). The "Scale" option is really for allowing more unusual configurations with more than just two sizes. It shouldn't really matter, though.

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