Improved navigator
The navigator is nice, but it takes up a lot of space, especially on a modern laptop with 15" wide-screen (or smaller), when the toolbar, menu and the Windows taskbar already stealing a lot of space. One solution is to put the navigator in a small movable window, like the navigator in Sibelius. A smarter solution might be a navigator similar to the one we have now, but with the ability to hide itself or fade out when not used and pop up, when the mouse is moved to the navigator area. It is also faster, more elegant and intuitive than memorizing the F12 shortcut, and can be operated using only the mouse.
Here is a Screenshot from Sibelius, showing its navigator.
In reply to Screenshot from Sibelius by S_
Apparently the site couldn't handle that file name. I get a 404 File Not Found in Chrome. So here's another attempt at attaching the file.
#10293: Auto-hide navigator
In reply to #10293: Auto-hide navigator by chen lung
I see that you beat me to it. But still, if auto-hiding isn't implemented, at least a simple user friendly button to turn it on and off would be nice (as opposed to F12 or Display->Navigator)
Just a note - if F12 is hard to remember, you can always customize the shortcut via Edit->Preferences->Shortcuts.