Moooooore clefs!

• Sep 30, 2015 - 20:27

Looking at the Wikipedia article on clefs ...MuseScore is missing a few.

Here's a picture of sub-octave treble clefs. The one with the 8 under it works fine, but support for the others (without manual positioning for every darn system) would be nice as well. Here's two kinds of neutral clefs, one of which MuseScore seems to be missing.

Then there's some interesting looking ones under the "History" section of that article. Weird looking F clefs. Not in any way necessary but worth a thought.


Have you seen the bigger list of clefs in the Advanced Workspace?
And those available in the Symbols Palette?
If it is not in Bravura, it isn't likely to be made available in MuseScore any time soon, I guess.

In reply to by JGitar

If they are in SMuFL, they could get added quite easily. Feel free to submit a feature request in the issue tracker.
I wouln't make them available in any of the workspaces, but just in the Master (Clef) Palette.
The more difficult part of the addition though (well, for me at least) would be to add the corresponding glyphs to Emmentaler and Gonville, or to just fine and use suitable alternatives (like I think we did for G Clef with optional ottava)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I can't say for Gonville, but adding a few glyphs to Emmentaler is not a big deal. By far the most important details, however, is that glyphs by themselves do nothing, code has to be added to make them 'work'.

In particular, the "two-G-clefs" glyph can be thought as a simple typographic variant of the "treble 8a bassa" clef glyph, using the same underlying code.

But the C clef on the third space goes against centuries of music practice and, according to this discussion, seems to have been used only in a limited milieu for a limited amount of time. Supporting clefs on spaces, in addition to lines, would require a major and deep change in the underlying programme architecture, hardly justifiable for such a small addition.

I note that another "tenor" clef is missing in the link at the top, which was used in the XIX c.: the G clef with the right part of a C clef inserted...

(Aside: as I already said in the thread linked above, "the amount of effort spent in the history of music and of music printing to support tenors who cannot read their very own clef is amazing!")

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