Grace note fix, Time changes, instrument name moving.

• May 31, 2011 - 03:37

I'm currently working on a piece that switches from 6/8 to 3/8 every measure, and I was hoping the option to put both times at the very beginning that will automatically switch between the two would be implemented.

The grace note system is extremely broken. I would look at the program Noteflight for reference of a good Grace system.

It'd also be nice if the instrument name could be on the top right like regular sheet music as opposed to the name being at the beginning of the score.

Finally, maybe putting the ability to playback a single instrument in a score instead of having to create a separate part and play it there.

Thank you.


You can playback one instrument only by going to Display -> Mixer.

The instrument name can be edited with right click on the staff -> staff properties and you can add it wherever your want with a staff text.

Can you describe exactly what you mean by "grace note system is broken"? Give exact steps to reproduce your issue. See [[nodetitle:How to report bug or ask for support]]

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I'm aware you can change the name of the instrument. I was referring to the placement. It'd be more professional if the instrument name were on the top right of the score opposed to right next to the staff.

Additionally, have you tried using grace notes?
They look fine, yes. But playback is horrid. It always glitches, either making it sound like it's a sixteenth note or being completely off and playing two beats early.

Thank you for the playback though.

In reply to by newsome

I've seen it mostly to the right, but I've seen it either or.
Anything is better than the name being right next to the beginning of the staff.
That's only the norm for conductor's scores.

In reply to by Mvmella

And in all fairness, that's what MuseScore thinks you're creating - a conductor's score. When I create parts from my scores, MuseScore will put the instrument name in the upper left (assuming I've defined it in the Parts dialogue), and leave the beginning of the staff blank.

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