
• Nov 16, 2015 - 21:38

How do I create an intro for a song? For example, I was transcribing a song from the Tune Book of the Salvation Army, and I was wondering how to start the song at a different measure then the first. I want to commence the song where the line starts.

Attachment Size
The_Pathway_of_Duty Duet.mscz 29.85 KB


What do you mean "start the song at a different measure than the first"? Do you mean when you press the space bar to play your score, you want it to start somewhere other than the beginning? If so, simply click the note where you want playback to begin. if you mean, you wish to insert more measure at the beginning of your score to add a new introduction, click the first measure of the score then use Add / Measures / Insert Measures to insert new ones. In this case, you might want also to consider whether you still want that pickup measure.

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