Copy lyrics to clipboard

• Dec 12, 2015 - 21:09

I just had opportunity to try this out - glad it exists! A couple of thought for possible improvement:

1) We could add a line break to the accumulated result after every measure that has a line (or page or system) break. I did a quick implementation, it's an improvement for me but I guess might not be for everyone?

2) In my use case, I wanted voice 2 lyrics included, but they are skipped currently. I can see why - a piece with simultaneous use of voices would be hard to sort. My case had some lines in voice 1, others in voice 2 because an instrumental part was in voice 1. Probably no good way to figure this out, which is fine; I just did a quick voice exchange for that passage before the operation and all was well. But wondering if anyone else has thoughts on a good way to handle multiple voices?


I take it this for copying to an external application? (i.e. not MuseScore)

1) Maybe put line breaks after punctuation (full stops and commas) to reflect how verses are usually written?

2) Voices could be alternate "instruments" (SATB), lyrics, translations, or verses so it would be difficult to get this right in all cases. It is probably an example of a situation where your time-honoured philosophy of "don't try to guess what the user wants" applies and so just do the voices one-at-a-time, i.e. only do the lowest-numbered voice currently selected.

However, I have some time on my hands over the next few weeks so I might have a go at implementing my Lyrics Editor suggested feature, which could potentially solve both issues.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

"…unlike other copy operations in MuseScore" is an interesting point. On the other hand, it's the same as copy operations (normally called just "Copy," not "Copy to Clipboard") in virtually all other programs. And even in MuseScore, if text is copied out of a text element it can be pasted into other applications.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Another difference is that it does not operate on the selection, but rather all voice 1 lyrics.

A downside of just calling it "copy' is that this would imply that you could then do a "paste" somewhere within MuseScore and get meaningful results. But it doesn't work this way - it's much much *just* for external use. I think it makes sense for the menu item to suggest this is *not* a normal copy operation, because in fact it isn't at all.

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