New font/fonts

• Aug 24, 2011 - 07:17


First i must say that i love Musescore. But I do find the 1 music font quite boring. To me it appears too perfect really. I would prefer something more scribbley looking, or something between computer perfection and handwritten imperfection. I have attached a little pic taken from Musescore installation graphic which shows an extremee case of what i am after.

This squiggley may not be the answer but i just find when i compare a printout from Musescore with the look of a purchased music books look it seems musescore can look somewhat boring and simplistic in it's look.

Thanks heaps for all the hard work. This is just me being picky but if new music fonts were introduced i would use the program a lot more as it would appear much more appealing to me.

Attachment Size
MusescoreScribbley.JPG 3.32 KB


In reply to by xavierjazz

Thanks Xavierjazz

A jazz notation font would be a really nice addition. Various notation font types would be great. Something that resembles one the old classical composers scribbling down their music really appeals to me.

In reply to by xavierjazz

I followed the link that you posted, and it went to a forum search for "jazz font". Most of the discussion there was about a Jazz text font for chords, but I would love to see a Jazz-style, handwritten looking font for notes, rests, etc. The best I could find looking around in the forum posts was that external notation fonts aren't supported. I downloaded the latest nightly (4703 right now), and there is indeed two fonts included, but they both look like two different versions of professional fonts, and neither gave the handwritten look.

You said "Jazz notation is available. Check the links." I didn't see anything when I checked them. Would it be possible to elaborate a little? Am I missing something?

In reply to by buckyschwartz@…

Chords are the easy part, fortunately. A bit tougher for other text elements.

All you need to do to update the fonts used for chords is change it in Style->Edit Text Style->Chordname and then reload the score.

However, if you are trying to switch to the MuseJazz font, you will probably also want to change the General Style for chordnames also (this controls the overall appearance of chords - how major and minor are abbreviated, whether alterations are superscripted, etc). See Chord name for more.

And in the future, simply starting off from one of the Jazz templates (Jazz Lead Sheet, Jazz Combo, Jazz Big Band) will set up your score to use MuseScore everywhere possible.

In reply to by newsome

You didn't miss anything. There is currently no jazz font for notation in MuseScore, mainly because a open source font doesn't exist and nobody with the skills stands up to make one. If you are this guy or know someone, direct him to this forum.

In reply to by xavierjazz

Newsome and cords, the two users who commented on this thread are talking about a font for the notes, the rests and so on. There is nothing like this in MuseScore currently. You are talking about a font for text and chordnames and indeed, in MuseScore 1.1 a font named MuseJazz has been introduced for this purpose.

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