Musescore 2.0.2 freezes when changing instruments

• Jan 16, 2016 - 18:54

The program freezes and stops whenever I click "instruments" or press button "i". I've tried to change the "PortAudio" in the preferences (MME, DirectSound, ASIO), always the same. No error message apears.
Help Please

Musescore 2.0.2 (f51dc11) on windows 10 x64, directx12
Acer Aspire M5811 Intel Corei7, 6Gb Ram
Audio Realtek HD, codec ALC888S


In order to help, we need you to post the score you are having problems with and precise steps to reproduce the problem. Probably something is corrupt in that score. If your score and steps work correctly for us, then another possibility is that you at some time tried to customize your instruments.xml file but ended up corrupting that. In that case, restoring your settings to the default would fix that (Edit / Preferences / Reset All Preferences).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The problem arises with any score, even with the initial default. Already uninstalled and installed the software, restored settings to default. The situation keeps: program freezes, the window does not close, I have to go to the windows task manager to end musescore; whenever I click "i" or choose "instruments" from the menu.
My case is unique? Anyone else have this problem?

In reply to by frederico ferronha

I don't remember ever seeing it before, and certainly there are thousands of users on Windows 10 users and they *don't* have this problem or we'd have heard about it instantly and daily. I guess it's possible there is some sort of hardware / device driver incomaptibility, although those would more commonly be seen on startup, not on bringing up the Instruments window. Really, the only thing that I can think of that would cause problems on displaying the isntruments dialog is a corrupt instruments.xml file. Can you tell us what you see in Edit / Preferences / Score? The line for "Instrument list 1" should read ":/data/instruments.xml", the second line should be blank.

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