When will MuseScore 1.2 be available?

• Sep 17, 2011 - 01:41

Things are still being added to the branch, so I just wondered when it would be released.

I sometimes have problems with the interface not showing (plus, the regression with the pedal). Is anyone else?


I too am wondering when version 1.2 will be available - apparently Ubuntu will only accept stable releases - when I tried to access a nightly build the repository informed me that unstable releases were currently unavailable.

There are a couple of bug fixes which are relveant to my work, so a new stable release would be most welcome :)

As always, when it will be ready ;)
@chen lung : You said "I sometimes have problems with the interface not showing". This is an unreported bug right? Which part of the interface? Can you give steps to reproduce? 1.2 will not solve anything by itself, just by throwing a new version number, if they are bugs they need to be reported and fixed.

In reply to by chen lung

"Can you give an estimate or what needs to be done ;)?"

Hi Chen, typically in open source world we say: "the next version will be released when it's ready". It's the same as saying that there is no deadline or eta.

In terms of what needs to be done: for a bug fix release, there need to be a significant amount of bugs being fixed to justify the a release. It's quite invisible but there goes a tremendous amount of time and effort into issuing a new version. So typically, we wait *at least* 4 of months, unless there is a real critical issue that needs to be fixed. So far, that has not been the case.

To conclude: we don't have a public release cycle for the moment. I hope that will change one day, but for that to happen, we need more resources.

In reply to by Thomas

In order to improve efficiency of the development team, it would be helpful to decide now whether or not to plan for another bug fix release. Main input here would be the expected date for 2.0. Another input would be discovery of showstopper bug in 1.1, which would require immediate fixing.

As long as 1.2 is still undecided, the development team either has to fix all bugs twice (in the 0.9.6 branch and in the trunk), (which takes unnecessary work if 1.2 never materializes) or postpone fixing critical bugs in the 0.9.6 branch until a decision is made to implement 1.2 (which is inefficient because working knowledge about the bugs has been lost in time).

In reply to by Leon Vinken

Hi Leon, indeed good call. There will be a 1.2 release for sure. This has been a decision coming from Werner. The main motivation for another release is that more score layout information will be stored in the mszc file format. This will make sure that when opening a 1.x file (x>2) in 2.0, that the score layouting is preserved. This would not be the case today with 1.1 or older. So critical bugs can still be fixed on the 0.9.6 branch for the time being.

In reply to by Thomas

Let me add that the policy on the branch remains, we just fix high impact bugs, critical ones, and minimize translation effort. Of course, input/output filters are good candidates.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I understand there is no formal release timeline for 1.2 as of yet, but am wondering whether there is a plan to move towards a release by providing nightly builds and/or pre-release builds for early testing? I'll note that there are some recent posts that show interest in testing different forms of pre-release 1.2...

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