All notes with same pitch get tied

• Feb 6, 2016 - 23:15

Tiring notes causes other notes played later with the same pitch to be tied, which in turn causes these notes to be inaudible. Any functional reason for this, or is it a bug?


In reply to by staxas

Sorry, I didn't understand that there are more notes tied than intended. That's a bug or corruption in your score of course. On my system that doesn't happen.

Perhaps you can attach your score here in the forum so that somebody can look through it.

In reply to by staxas

I believe you tied the notes incorrectly. I am guessing you tried selecting both notes before pressing the tie button, but that's wrong. You should select only the first note. The tie button *starts* a tie at the selected note. if you select multiple notes, MuseScore will try to start a tie at each of the selected notes, leading to exactly what your example shows.

Somehow I fill there is some place for improvement with the tie function. In the vast majority of the case, only adjacent notes needs to be tied. Maybe selecting a note and pressing + should just do that. Selecting > 2 notes should tie each note to the next adjacent note with the same pitch.

Selecting two non adjacent notes with the same pitch would be the only case where we can create a tie like illustrated in the image above. Of course, it would be a bit unexpected if the user really want to tie each of the notes to the next adjacent one... but in most of the case, it could save us some support requests. What do you think?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Without fully thinking through the ramifications of this, I am inclined to agree. We should probably only try to create "extended" ties if the user asks for it. But even so, it's not really clear to me what the expected behavior would be in all possible cases.

Also, in coming up with any changes to the interface for creating ties, I think we should also finally consider the possibility of creating one-side ties and how that might be done. I'd prefer to not need three separate commands - one for normal ties, one for extended ones, one for one-sides ones - but if one command is somehow going to do all of that, there would need to be a reaosnably intuitive way to specify which one wants.

In reply to by xavierjazz

Sorry, I should have been clearer. By "extended ties", I meant the thing the OP created accidentally: a tie from a note to the next note of the same pitch even though they aren"t adjacent. As in Right mow if you select a note and press the tie button, it will create a tie to the next note of the same pitch whether that is the very next note or not, and this is great because it allows creating notations like the one in that link. But it also leads to surprising results if you make the mistake of trying to tie two ntoes by selecting the, both before pressing the tie button.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I ocassionally run into this inadverdantly when I select an entire measure and use "+" to tie to the next measure. If I forgot that the first measure has multiple voices and the second measure doesn't, one of the ties will stretch until it finds the same note in the same voice a few measures further down. I check it off as operator error and dont consider it a bug.

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