How do you stop notes overlapping?

• Oct 21, 2011 - 14:56

I am struggling to find how to stop notes overlapping.

The attached image is an example. It should show 2 voices, one is a single dotted minim chord, the other consists of 3 separate crotchets. The "D" is common to both but the notes are one on top of the other which makes it look like a dotted crotchet (which doesn't make sense). Is there any way to make the 2 D's appear side by side?

Attachment Size
Screen shot 2011-10-21 at 14.25.06.png 7.27 KB


Interesting bug. If you have a two same pitch but different duration notes in two voices, the notes won't collide. However add some extra notes to one for a chord and the two notes on the same pitch will now collide.

The only simple way to fix this is to double click one of the colliding notes (likely the quarter, but you can select the dotted half) to enter edit mode and use the right arrow key to nudge it over enough so they don't collide.

In reply to by schepers

Thank you.

A bit fiddly but I have fixed it.

Interestingly if you move the note in the chord it moves that one head, the stem and the ledger lines but leaves the other note heads where they were, now isolated from their stems and off to one side of the ledger lines"

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