Time shift of one (or more) note(s)

• Mar 18, 2016 - 03:58

Hi, gang!!!

I wonder if it is possible to perform a time shift (time displacement) of one or more note(s) in a piece.

It is intended to avoid the "mono" sound when two identical instruments have to play the same note.

For example: a concert for two guitars.

If you "pan" (mixer panel) the two guitars one to the right side and the other to the left side, each time the two guitars have to play the same note (let's say a middle A), the sound is mono (both sounds sounding at the center of the "stage" as one only instrument) because the computer plays both instruments with the exactly same sound, at the same time.

To avoid this, we could shift one of the notes a little amount of time (milliseconds), after or before the other instrument note.

BUT... I can't find any MuseScore menu command to do this.

Can we do this? How? ???

Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!



Such changes can be done viea the Pianoroll editor (right click a measure, Pianoroll Editor). It's not particularly well documented or easy to use, but it should be possible to change the OnTime for one of the notes.

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