Plugin installation help required

• Jun 4, 2015 - 21:12

Down loaded and installed software.
Downloaded plugins.
Followed plugin installation exactly
Running windows seven and installed
plug inns in local app data/muscore/muscore2/plugins and unzipped.
However plugin manager is not seeing the files and therefore plugins not
appearing in the manager for integration in the score. There are files
called qml files, but none of the Plugin files are qml files, they are java
script files. Down loaded latest version of java,still no success
How do I resolve this.


MuseScore 1.x was around for a few years and many Plugins (Java) were written for it. MuseScore 2.0 is now out and the Plugins for it are different (QML). Fewer Plugins have been written for MS2.0 and the old Plugins don't work. Some Plugins have been ported over from 1.x to 2.0 but it's not a simple task.

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