New iPad app, commercial affiliation or infringement?

• Jun 15, 2011 - 08:41

There is an iPad app, MuseScore Sheet music viewer, that is selling for $4.99. It has a logo that looks similar to the logo. It is not a score constructor but just a viewer specifically for MuseScore material. The developer has a website called Is this an affiliate or someone making money off of hard earned reputation?


Hi 2sleepy4u,

The ipad app as well as is being developed by Nicolas Froment (lasconic), Werner Schweer (MuseScore lead dev) and myself. We started up a venture to further grow the MuseScore universe on all platforms. You can read more about it in this post: I'll be writing more about our vision in the coming days. We are currently traveling to Barcelona to evangelize MuseScore to software developers at and to a couple of universities.

In reply to by Thomas

Glad to hear that everything is legitimate. I would gladly pay for a full editing iPad version of MuseScore, not just a viewer. The iPad already has many sheet music viewers, but no really great app for writing and editing your own sheet music. Writing music scores on the iPad is the Holy Grail for many musicians, me included. Good luck with your commercial venture.

In reply to by 2sleepy4u

Have you seen Notion for the iPad? That is quite good with good sound (although they charge extra for more instruments). It has a few quirks but I think it will become great.

There is also Symphony Pro which is maturing well.

Both of these can read and write MusicXML.

I would love to see MuseScore on the iPad though. I can also see the many problems with achieving that.

In reply to by woz2

@woz2 The MuseScore Viewer app does not have support yet for foot switch. Support will be built into the MuseScore Player which is currently under development.

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