MuseScore 2 not working

• May 25, 2016 - 21:55

Hi. I am currently using Windows 10, and I have avast anti virus.
For some reason, MuseScore is refusing to open. I installed it and tried to launch it, and my mouse loads for like a split second then immediately stops, and the program doesn't launch. I look at task manager and do it again, and I found out that the process of "musescore.exe" keeps closing itself immediately after launching it. I thought it was my anti-virus, so I checked that and it didn't detect it as a threat. I don't know why this is happening and I need help with this.I have tried the factory reset method, uninstalling and reinstalling, rebooting, and trying older versions, and it doesn't seem to work. Is anyone able to help me with this?


I fixed this on my own. I am going to post what I did to fix this issue here so people can fix this themselves:

1. Go here…
2. Click "View Raw" to download the Bravura.otf file (This file is one of MuseScore's fonts. The main reason why it wont start is because the font file is missing)
3. Try installing the font (Double Click it or Right Click it and install as admin)

If step 3 doesn't work, follow these steps to fix it:
1. Open Registry Editor (Press Windows Key + R and type in regedit.exe)
2. Go to this location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
3. Click on Memory Management and add a new REG_DWORD entry called SessionImageSize
4. Right click on the new DWORD and set the value as 20 decimals (not hexadecimals)
5. Reboot and try to install it again (Double click or Right Click it and install as admin)

These steps worked for me and now MuseScore is running perfectly fine for me.

In reply to by chrisjk7

Hmm, I'm glad that worked for you, but this doesn't sound right to me. You are *not* supposed to have Bravura installed on your system; it's precompiled into the MuseScore executable. In fact, having it installed on your system is likely to just cause vewrsion conflicts in the future as they get out of sync with each other. If it works for now on your system, I guess leave it alone, but this is definitely *not* what people should be doing in general. Bravura should *not* be installed on a user's system.

I'm curious what led you to try this. Did you run MuseScore from the command line and see an error message relating to that font? Can you post the text of that message?

In reply to by chrisjk7

Thank you for sharing your solution chrisjk.

Just like Marc, I am too puzzled that this worked out for you. Clearly we are missing something and I would like to get to the bottom of this so we can prevent this happens again in the future with other users.

In reply to by Thomas

Isn't working after my power went out. It was working last night and this morning up until that.

I looked at someone's log files and it says it cannot load the fonts:

Debug: Mscore: fatal error: cannot load internal font <:/fonts/bravura/BravuraText.otf> (C:\Git_packages\MuseScore\libmscore\mscore.cpp:203, static void Ms::MScore::init())
Debug: Mscore: fatal error: cannot load internal font <:/fonts/gootville/GootvilleText.otf> (C:\Git_packages\MuseScore\libmscore\mscore.cpp:203, static void Ms::MScore::init())
Debug: ScoreFont: fatal error: cannot load internal font <:/fonts/bravura/Bravura.otf> (C:\Git_packages\MuseScore\libmscore\sym.cpp:5332, void Ms::ScoreFont::load())

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