Trouble adjusting measure width

• Jun 1, 2016 - 14:34

I'm having a real problem with measure width, and starting to panic because I have to get these scores off to get printed by end of week - can anyone help?

Certain measures are stretching all the way across the stave, even though it's a normal length measure. I can't get it to change no matter what I do.

Working in MuseScore 2.0.2 on a MacBook Pro running OSX 10.7.5

I have tried:
-Reducing stretch on the measure with Shift-{
-Stretching the measures on either side with Shift-} (hoping they would eventually bump down to share a line with the problem measure).
-Changing measures per line in Tools>Add/Remove Line Breaks

Also have done Reset Stretch and Remove Line Breaks in case I had inadvertently set something weird but nothing changes whatsoever. I have 18 scores and this is happening on all of them. Aaaah! It's making me nuts!

The Reduce/Increase Stretch function works on the normal lines, but not on these problem ones that include only 1 or 2 bars super-stretched out. (On this sample score, line 2 and line 4 illustrate the problem)

Grateful for any help anyone can offer. Hungry.mscz


In reply to by Shoichi

thanks so much for taking the time Shoichi! I'm still having some trouble getting that to happen on my own - got this far as you can see in this version but it's till a little off.

it's ok if you don't have time to help more though, you already have and thankyou. *kris

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You had set frames to be invisible, making it hard to see there were extra frames that don't belong there. I guess maybe you added them to get more space between systems, but that's not a good way to do that. instead, just increase the minimum system distance in Style / General / Page. Anyhow, indeed, the frames were preventing measures from flowing normally. So remove them, then reset the stretch back to normal.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks so much Marc that's really helpful. It's much better but the formatting is still acting a little funny. Here's how that page looks now after removing all the frames, resetting stretch, and increasing the minimum system distance. That one-measure line is gone, but there are still a few lines (like line 3 now) which insist on just having two measures in them no matter what I do.

I went into the line breaks menu as well thinking that might help - as of this version i set it to 5 measures per line but as you can see it ranges from 2 to 7 or 8, and not in a way that makes sense.

Sorry to ask for more help, I've spent a ton of time on the handbook & forums but just not finding a complete solution to this one! Thanks if you have any more expertise to share. *kris

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Hungry.mscz 23.59 KB

In reply to by ksd22

There is still an empty frame after that measure. Looks like you resized it so it's too small to see, but it is still have the effect of breaking the line. In general, you shouldn't need *any* frames in this score aside from the title. To get rid of all frames, right click one, Select All Similar, press Delete. Then you can re-add the title. Anywnere you have added a frame just get empty space, you should be using other means for - spacers, changing the gap settings on the title frame, etc.

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