MIDI file output

• Feb 13, 2012 - 21:34

I imported a MusicXML lead sheet file that contains chord names and lyrics. However when I exported it to MIDI, neither the chords or lyrics were present. It seems to me that the MusicXML file contains all the information needed to export the chords and lyrics into MIDI. I hope that this can be accomplished soon. MIDI has a track for lyrics, which, if present, display on a karaoke player and would make MuseScore a super program.


Seems lyrics could indeed be exportet, but given that MuseScore doesn't have any chord symbol playback facility, it's still not really going to be a useful too for turning a lead sheet into karaoke accompaniment.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

In any case there is no Meta Event defined in MIDI for chords

I you are wanting to do this kind of thing I would suggest that Band in a Box is far more suitable than MuseScore.

MuseScore is designed for producing notation for musicians playing music live - turning it into a Karaoke machine is way beyond it's current intent and design.

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