That I missed of the musescore:

• Mar 6, 2012 - 16:46

I missed of the notation program that things:

Rotating texts.

In the virtual keyboard I missed breaks and in the windows version 1.1 I have missed a button, you can see in the picture. Alsó átkötés.png

When I write song text under long melizm ower line to lines with____ in the second line it isn't continue.
I think the _____ important to have changeable size, With a doubble click I can change the line's size.

More tempos and an "Add" button in tempo menu. I think it's a dangerous thing the original tempos changeable. If anybody change the tempo's BPM another people don't know the right BPM number and original tempo name.

I know a big bug. If I print from musescore (Ubuntu version) directly in the printed score can see another scores near Tempo-s.

I missed the sforzato, subito piano and another ordenary used dynamics.

In the piano scores I can't see crearly the pedal marking solutions.

More text option for boxes. You can see in the picture:Doboz szöveg.png

Thank you for featuring.

Attachment Size
Alsó átkötés.png 132.28 KB
Doboz szöveg.png 200.36 KB


Hej, You can easely use the f (forte) and mark it and then type a z after the f or an s in front of it. But I agree to have it with the other dynamic letter would be better.

Some of those would be nice to have indeed - continuation of melisams is high on my list too, and I'm sure rotated text would come in handy.

I'm not sure what you mean about missings breaks and a missing button. The picture you posted appears to show the symbol correctly. The character you have circled is something that can be used to manually place a tie; I use this to add ties into and out of voltas.

I also don't inderstand your comment about it being dangerous to chane the tempo properties of the varioms tempo markings in the dialog. Changes made there affect pnly that score; why would you be aconcerned about one person's changes affecting another person, unless, I suppose, both are editing the same score?

Dynamic markings can be edited - just double click and edit like ordinary text. But the special font used doesn't include all characters you might want, so you may have to use Times Roman. I think that may have already been addressed for 2.0?

What problems are you having with pedal markings? If you mean the lack of the upward carat for the pedal change (-----^-----) then I agree that is needed, and I think that might also be coming on 2.0?

Regarding the printing issue, you explain n more detail what you mean? Perhaps post a sample and steps to reproduce?

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