Music Sheets won't print properly.

• Aug 13, 2016 - 17:18

Okay, so I recently downloaded a .pdf file, right. I tried printing it out, but instead of music notes, it printed rectangles. Here is an example:
If any of you could help, it would be great, thanks.


In reply to by Falcoholic

What's your OS? What .pdf viewer are you using? Does it display ok there... or are you trying to open the .pdf in MuseScore?
If the score displays ok in your .pdf reader, you should print from there.

The pdf opens/prints fine for me on my Windows 10 using Sumatra PDF viewer. Here's a copy I saved using my .pdf viewer.


Attachment Size
Heartache.pdf 120.86 KB

That PDF renders fine for me as well - if there is a problem on your syste, it must be unique to your configuration. Perhaps the program you are using to display and print the PDF is not handling it correctly - you might want to report the problem to them.

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