Tuplet creation weirdness

• Sep 1, 2016 - 23:58

Time signature is 6/8. Select a measure, Go to Notes->Tuplets-> other. relation is 26/16.

You get a measure of 32nd notes with a bracket that declares 26 over it, which is great. That's what I want.

... but there are 39 32nd notes, not 26.

Help? I think it's because Musescore doesn't handle compound time well - the program looks at 6/8 and treats it like it has 3 beats, not 2. 2*13 = 26, 3*13 = 39.

So how do I get it to do what I want? 26 isn't divisible by three.


You've asked to put 26 notes into the space that would usually be taken by 16. But, that space (the duration of that bar) would usually have 18 notes (because it's 6/8 time) so I think MuseScore is doing some math and giving you the 26/16 into 18 which is nearly 29. Are you trying to spread 26 notes evenly across a 6/8 bar?

In reply to by underquark

Yep. And that's not the math it's doing. 39, not 29, remember? It's thinking 6/8 has three beats - three quarter notes - and giving each quarter note 13 32nds. Should be thirteen per dotted quarter.

I get weird results when I try other relations - 26 half notes, lol.

There are not 16 thirty-second notes in a measure of 6/8 - indeed, there aren't 16 of *anything* in a measure of 6/8. Hmm, 16 dotted thirty-seconds, maybe, but that doesn't count :-). There are 6 eighths, or 12 sixteenths, or 24 thirty-seconds - take your pick. But asking MuseScore to create a tuplet as if you were dividing the measure into 16 pieces is asking the impossible.

So, if you want 26 sixteenths, enter 26/12. If you want 26 thirty-seconds, enter 26/24. Note in both cases you'll actually see it "cleverly" combine these in groups of two when first filling the tuplet with rests (13 eighths or 13 sixteenths), but of course you can then enter your 26 sixteenths or 26 thirty-seconds, or any combination that adds up.

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