Installing Plugin

• Sep 7, 2016 - 15:23

I have added addstaff.js to the plugin folder at C:\Program Files\MuseScore 2\plugins
When I open up musescore and look at the plugin manager I don't see it listed. Does that mean its not installed? How can I tell if it is installed?


It means it is not compatible.
We're still working on getting the plugins (and the plugin manager) into a more user friendly environment; but in the meantime, take this as a quick rule of thumb

Plugins consisting of files ending in .js or .ui are only compatible with MuseScore 1.x
Plugins consisting of files ending in .qml are compatible with MuseScore 2.x

Some plugins come distributed in .zip files; If so, you'll have to unzip them before MuseScore can use them correctly.

FWIW, this plugin only barely served a function in 1.3, and it really doesn't any more. If you want to add a staff, it is at least as easy to do so without resorting to a plugin - just go to Edit / Instruments (or press "I") and then add the staff yourself.

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