Irregular multi-measure rests

• Apr 25, 2012 - 06:44

In my current pursuit, I seem to have run into a rather halting quandary that has left me in a state of quaint perplexitude.

Take you: I have now at my hand a second movement in a four movement cycle; the full score of the cycle is complete, and I sit now at the task of compiling separate scores for the solitary instruments involved.

Several instruments sit tacet during the whole of the first movement, and as such, I think it thoroughly appropriate to include those measures of mute tacetry, not as a single leaf of music, void of intrigue, but rather as an extension of the second movement.

Upon the creation of Movement II's lead page for said instrument, I insert sixty-eight measures to represent all bars of the previous movement; all measures are, in turn, held bound as a multi-measure rest. All well and good, as I then proceed to further distinguish these bars from the Second Movement proper with adequate spacing and labeling hence (a line break and title, respectively).

It is here that I meet my botheration. I select said multi-measure rest (as a measure, mind you, not a rest) and select that it be stayed as an irregular measure, that it may not be held toward the counting of the proceeding measures that account for the true second movement. Verily, it works; the selected measure rents apart from the multi-measure rest and stands solitary and counts irregularly; but it is now no longer held as part of the multiple rest collective.

I have duly made certain that none of the measures are selected to "break multi measure rest" as that would be a most embarrassing outcome. I have also attempted to use negative values in the "add to measure number" field, but to no avail.

Is it thus possible to create a multi-measure rest, thence unbroken, that counts fully as irregular?

With sincerest gratitude -


If I am understanding correctly, you shouldn't need to do anything to the multimeasure rest. Just use the "Add to measure number" option under the measure properties for the first measure of the new movement (not the rest for the previous movement), and enter a negative number. If the first movement is 68 measures rest, set the "Add to measure number" field of the first real measure to "-68" and it will display as "1", with everything afterwards correct relative to that.

BTW, is there a reason you are creating the parts for the instruments manually? Do you not realize MuseScore can do that for you, via File->Parts? You shouldn't need to be inserting rests or anything like that - they are already in the score, so they will automatically appear in the parts as well. Assuming you created your score as one file for the whole work rather than separate files for each movement.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I assure you, kind fellow, I have most certainly attempted to use the "Add to measure number" field in like manner, but upon entering a value of -68, the first measure is displayed as -67 (with the following measures of rest in like manner up to measure "0," further proceeding then to measure number "1").

Furthermore, I am indeed using the feature of "File>Parts," but am merely compounding this with further manual editing. The full cycle was entered as individual movements, as was my design. As the first movement is tacet for several instruments, I thought it well to merely combine the first two movements for those instruments into a single individual part.

Regards -

In reply to by cosmodos

It would help if you could post a sample file, then. I have used the "add to measure number" feature on many occasions and never had any problem with it - including a use that is virtually exactly like you describe. So it definitely can work, and if we see you file, perhaps we will be able to see what you might be doing wrong, or something special about your file that is triggering a bug the rest of us don't see.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

As per your request, I have created a file reproducing the phenomenon, using a familiar tune in stead of my own music, and attached it hence.

Further, in attempt to remedy the display of the "-67" value, I have designated the bars in the multi-measure rest as "irregular" but this merely seems to detach a single measure from the multi-rest and discount it from the whole. As such, I have left this attribute out of my attached example.

In correspondence -

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multirest.mscz 2.27 KB

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